Brake fluid for brake systems on cars and trucks, which are prescribed DOT 4. Not usefull for Citroën and breaking systems that prescribe mineral oils.
Lubrication oil for use in air tools sush as. Air hammers, ground rockets etc. The oil is added antifreeze to prevent ice formation in the air supply at low temperatures.
Environmentally friendly oil with low aromatic content. Suitable as afformnings olie and in the production of all kind of materials such as concrete where there is requried a satin finished surfase.
Mineral chainsaw oil for lubrication of chain and bar on chainsaws. The oil has powerful pendant ability, lucricates and protects the chain and sword effenctively against wear and corrosion.
Mineral chainsaw oil for lubrication of chain and bar on chainsaws. The oil has powerful pendant ability, lucricates and protects the chain and sword effenctively against wear and corrosion.
Mineral chainsaw oil for lubrication of chain and bar on chainsaws. The oil has powerful pendant ability, lucricates and protects the chain and sword effenctively against wear and corrosion.
Water miscible, semi-synthetic and biostable coolant added a effective additive for extreme pressure. Designed for medium and heavy processing of iron containing metals
Water miscible, semi-synthetic and biostable coolant added a effective additive for extreme pressure. Designed for medium and heavy processing of iron containing metals