Fully Synthetic food grade hydraulic oil for lubrication of hydraulic systems etc. Where there is a possibility that the oil may come in contact with the food.
Fully Synthetic food grade hydraulic oil for lubrication of hydraulic systems etc. Where there is a possibility that the oil may come in contact with the food.
Fully Synthetic food grade hydraulic oil for lubrication of hydraulic systems etc. Where there is a possibility that the oil may come in contact with the food.
Fully Synthetic food grade hydraulic oil for lubrication of hydraulic systems etc. Where there is a possibility that the oil may come in contact with the food.
H1 food-registered synthetic cooling compressor oil based on a special selection of non-toxic synthetic polyalfaolefins that provide exellent protection against oxidation and thermal stability
Food registered grease based on calcium sulfonate complex. The product is recommended for use as a universal grease in the food industy even in the presence os damp or water-filled environment.
Water miscible, semi-synthetic and biostable coolant added a effective additive for extreme pressure. Designed for medium and heavy processing of iron containing metals