(295 results)
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Anderol PQAA-1 Plus
Foodgrade approved greases
Description: Medical white oil thickened with aluminum complex soap specially designed for use in the food industry
Anderol PQAA-2 Plus
Anderol PQAA 46
Foodgrade approved Hydraulic Oil
Description: NSF H1 Food registered hydraulic oil based on white oil
Anderol 2150 HTCL
High temperatur oils
Description: Synthetic High Temperature Chain Lubricant
Anderol Chain Oil XL 220 FG
Description: High Temperature Synthetic Food Grade Chain Oil
Anderol Chain Oil XL 220
Description: High temperature synthetic Chainoil - Synthetic chainoil to very high temperatures
Anderol PQAA 22
Anderol OGWR-0
Grease wire lubrication (graphit)
Description: Mineral oil based on aluminum complex for use in open gears, sprockets and wires
Anderol PQAA 100
Anderol PQAA 68
Anderol OGWR-0 (Spray)
Description: Open Gear and Wire Rope Grease Spray
Anderol PQAA 150
Foodgrade approved lubricant
Description: H1 Food Grade Gear Lubricant
Anderol 7150 FG
Industrial Gearoils
Description: H1 High Performance Food Grade Gear & Chain Lubricant
GlycolChek analyse
Description: Preventive analysis / examination of coolants and inhibitors.
TexChek olieanalyse
Description: Preventive used oil analysis / examination of engines and industrial machines.
GeoChek olieanalyse
Description: Preventive used oil analysis / examination of gas engine oil.
CoolChek olieanalyse
Description: Preventive used oil analysis / examination of refrigeration oil.
CleanChek olieanalyse
Description: Preventive used oil analysis / examination of hydraulic and industrial gear oil, including particle counts.
Stævnrørsolie 460
Polar Lugtfri Petroleum
Description: Solvent with a low content of aromatics. Useful as a cleaner, solvents and degreasing in the industry
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