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Delo Syn-Gear XS SAE 75W-140
Automotive - Gearoil
Description: Premium performance fully synthetic automotive gear lubricant.
Delo Syn-THF XC
Transmission Fluid
Description: High performance synthetic wet brake transaxel fluid
Delo Starplex EP 2
Grease for bearings
Description: High performance long-service multipurpose grease
Delo Syn-Gear HD SAE 75W-90 (20 ltr.)
Description: High performance synthetic heavy duty gear oil.
Delo TorqForce SAE 10W (208 ltr.)
Description: Proven performance heavy-duty transmission and drive train fluid.
Delo Starplex EP 2 (50 kg)
Geartex EP-5 SAE 80W-90 (20 ltr.)
Description: Proven performance automotive gear oil.
Delo Gear TDL SAE 80W-140 (208 ltr.)
Description: High performance Total Driveline Lubricant.
Delo Syn-THF XC (208 ltr.)
Delo Syn-AMT XV SAE 75W-80 (20 ltr.)
Description: Premium performance fully synthetic SAE 75W-80 transmission fluid.
Havoline ProDS VB SAE 0W-20
Engine oil for diesel and 4 stroke gasolin engines
Description: Premium performance synthetic fuel economy engine oil.
Havoline ProDS VB SAE 0W-20 (12x1 ltr.)
Havoline ProDS VB SAE 0W-20 (4x4 ltr.)
Delo Starplex EP 2 (18 kg)
Delo Starplex EP 2 (12x400 gram)
Geartex EP-5 SAE 80W-90 (208 ltr.)
Delo Syn-ATF XV (20 ltr.)
Description: High performance synthetic automatic transmission fluid.
Delo Syn-TDL SAE 75W-90 (12x1 ltr.)
Description: Premium performance fully synthetic Total Driveline Lubricant.
Delo Syn-AMT XV SAE 75W-80
Delo Gold Ultra E SAE 15W-40 (3x5 ltr.)
Diesel Engine Oil
Description: Proven performance heavy-duty engineoil.